We're so confident that you'll be blown away by the level of service from Woodhouse Labs that we will give you your first test free to prove it. You can get your first test free by using coupon code "tryusfree" on an order of a one-time test.
We know that once you try us, you'll agree that SporeAlert is the easiest and the very best mail-in spore testing service that you have ever used.

Single Strip Kits
Dual species spore strips with matching control. Works with any commercial sterilizer. Results reported via email in 1 day for steam, 3 days for chemical, and 7 days for dry heat and EtO sterilizers. Immediate phone and email notification of failed tests.

One Time
1 test envelope
4 test envelopes
12 test envelopes
26 test envelopes
52 test envelopes